Cybersquatting |
What is cybersquatting? This article will help define cybersquatting and discuss common uses of cybersquatting. Don't let a cybersquatter take advantage of your domain name or trademark, keep reading for tips on resolving cybersquatting disputes.
WHOIS Domain Name Search |
What is WHOIS? WHOIS allows people to perform domain searches for site information. By doing a WHOIS domain name search you can find out public information on the site. This article explains WHOIS searches and compares public vs. private domain registration.
WHOIS Domain Name Search
Unlimited Domains |
Personal Web sites may not need unlimited domains but an ecommerce website may want to consider using unlimited domains. This article defines unlimited domains and discusses the pros and cons of unlimited domains. Keep reading for more info on unlimited domains.
Unlimited Domains
Getting a Free Domain Name |
This article offers information on getting a free domain name, the pros and cons of free domain names, and getting a free domain name through web hosting. Anything free comes with a price, so keep reading to find out if a free domain name will work for you.
Getting a Free Domain Name
VPS Hosting |
Many people do not know whether they need shared web hosting, dedicated hosting, or VPS hosting. This article will help define what VPS hosting is, and offer the pros and cons of using virtual private servers (VPS) for your personal or business web hosting service.
VPS Hosting
Trademark/Copyright Domains |
Trademark/Copyright Domains - When you register your domain name you may wish to associate your web address with your business trademark or copyright. Keep reading to learn more about trademarking your domain name, and how to trademark your domain name.
Trademark/Copyright Domains